Tuesday 29 July 2014

Star dirt

We desire it and chase it, we hunt it down.
The expectation of what it will bring, swirls around and around.
But if we could grab it and jar it to keep, hoping for a million angels on which we would sleep.
Soon we'd be wanting anything more, for all you had captured was dirt from the floor.
As stardust and good luck, magical wishes, all happen in dreams.
Where any things possible, or so it seems.
But a jar of stardust, is only the dirt from the floor. Nothing less and not any more.

Saturday 26 July 2014

My birthday.

It was my  birthday the other day, Jay surprised and whisked me away.
He prepared me a breafast, smoked salmon and scrambled egg. Poured me a bucks fizz and delivered it in bed.
He drove me to Devon, unbeknown to me; it was the place my parents would be.
A last chance of being their child once more, of eating cake and mum saying "don't drop it on the floor"
Of Dad poking fun at the clothes that I wear. Watching my tongue,  making sure I didn't swear.
We had us a giggle and I'm happy it was done, as nothing makes you feel younger than being ticked off by your Mum.

Monday 23 June 2014

How do you do.

Tis me, I said. A scetchy bird, colourful, daring, confident and a tad mad.
This is also me, kind and  considerate, sensitive and occasionally sad.
Often I am strong, but then I am weak. I try mostly to be good, but I can over speak.
Sometimes I behave, and dress exactly as people expect.
Conforming pleasantly, smiling and talking when bid so to do.
Then once in a while I'll let down my hair, I giggle and gaggle and haven't a care. I talk far to much and do not hold back. This is me a scetchy bird who enjoys to surprise, to shock and fantasise. Unique, a one off a contradiction, that's me. "How do you do" do you care for tea?

Saturday 26 April 2014

While we sleep.

Can she hold on to this pure abandoned state, when other people's views  try to mold and shape her.

Once awake can she  be her truest self.

To acheive the uninhibited unselfconciousness of sleep, she first must trust herself, value her own judgement.

Being that carefree vibrant person that she is, looking, dressing and living the way  she feels is her; despite others expectations. 

As she does in sleep.

She may be labelled... Eccentric, mad, odd and different; these are the words she would have to bear. 

Words can be presented as  beauty and  unique, quirky, fun and individual; they feel more comfortable, easier to wear.

She can wake and relish in the freedom of now.

As should we all.

Monday 3 February 2014


Come with me in a dancing floating hypnotic dream, come where your blood tingles through your veins;  your eyes sparkle and shine 

and your heart twinkles with anticipation of what's to come. 

You are never to old to feel the words or anticipate the next moment, reach out your hand , you are almost there..........

Saturday 1 February 2014

A little tipple trick!

Hey, long time since I posted . I have this simple scrumptious idea and I want to share it.
Take a punnet of the best fruit! Must be really good no soft or squelchy bits. (Strawberries Rasberries and blackberries have been tested). Mash or blitz until pulp is smooth,(you can strain if you dont like the texture with bits in) freeze in ice cube trays .  How to use them ; l drop one into sparkling wine or add to Champagne . Jazz up some white Rum to get fresh fruity booze; even when fruits are out of season. Dah dah daaaaaa! Enjoy.